Rose Fairness Paste
Clean the flower well. Pluck out the petals and the middle portion. Use one or two flowers. Add 2-3 tsp. of powdered oats and drops of water and mix them to make a paste. Fairness pack is ready. Before applying, make sure that your face is clean. Apply for 10-15 min. then wash it off with cold water. Tissue dry and leave your skin like that for another 15 min.
Facial Rose Water
Rose Water is very helpful for smoothing wrinkles and moisture balance of facial skin. Apply directly on skin by using cotton ball in circular motions twice a day
Rose Water Toner
Mix rose water in witch hazel in 5:1 proportion (5 parts of rose water and one part of witch hazel). Add one spoon of glycerin in this mixture. Store this toner in dark colored bottle and use for natural beauty.